Category Archives: Blog

What Scents to Fight against Stress and Soothe your Mind?

Put to the test for a year now, our morale and our mind are starting to saturate: gloom, withdrawal into oneself, anxiety, irritability, feeling of depression … Isolation and the feeling of helplessness hamper our mental balance, sometimes with repercussions also on our physical state: sleep disorders, headaches, digestive problems, muscular pains… Acorelle perfumes use […]

What Scents to Regain Energy in Winter?

Winter is a season that puts our body to the test. Winter fatigue can be characterized by a general lack of energy, sleep disturbances, a feeling of exhaustion & depression. Indeed, it is a period during which our body defends itself against the cold and the various viruses, which has the consequence of weakening our organism. But then […]

4 Reasons Why You Should Be Adding Caviar To Your Beauty Routine

Touted as one of the few culinary luxuries in the world, caviar is now becoming a commonplace ingredient that can be found in many skin and hair care products. But while slathering caviar all over your face and body may not sound overly appetising, there is a long list of benefits that support adding this decadent delicacy […]

Allergies To Sunscreens

How To Recognize A Skin Allergy? The symptoms of a skin allergy can be quite varied but in general we can observe: redness, irritation, tingling or burning sensations, small pimples, feelings of dryness or tightness . These symptoms can appear immediately after application of a product but also several days after or even years after. Indeed, allergies are […]


法國五月玫瑰花報導聯合報:世界上最好的玫瑰精油只在法國…格拉斯採收的五月玫瑰花,品質獨一無二,迴異尋常,為創造香奈兒香水所不可或缺。其中格外不同的是香奈兒5號,瑪蓮夢露等名星名流使用。法國格拉斯鎮(Grasse)玫瑰花田,法語為上帝的秘密花園,地處普羅旺斯的東南部,靠近阿爾卑斯山,鄰近地中海,陽光水分充足,空氣清新乾淨,特殊的小氣候非常適合玫瑰花卉種植。整座小鎮被玫瑰花,各種花卉,綠樹包圍,圍繞滿滿的花香,芬多精的能量這裏的玫瑰花精油,品質為全球之冠,其中5月玫瑰精油更是精油之后,價格最高,香奈兒,迪奧,蘭蔻,嬌蘭全球國際性的護膚品牌,玫瑰精油只選擇法國格拉斯。80000朵玫瑰花僅能提取1cc玫瑰花精精油,有別其他的傳統脂吸法。Vogue 報導:沒有ㄧ個女孩或女人,能逃過玫瑰花代表的那種浪漫、甜蜜與香氣,但你知道,全世界香氣最馥郁的玫瑰花是唯一在每年五月才會開花的法國格拉斯五月玫瑰。 格拉斯五月玫瑰被稱為花中之后,也因為花瓣很多,也被稱作百葉玫瑰,她是世界上唯一只有在五月才盛開的玫瑰,花期也只有短短3個星期,要萃取它的精油,必須在清晨採摘下來,再立刻於24小時之內進行蒸餾萃取,所以超級珍貴。 Click here to read more.


Surely a mother of six is entitled to a few indulgences. In Angelina Jolie’s case, it’s a beauty regimen that includes La Prairie’s Skin Caviar Luxe Cream at $710 for a 100ml container, the cream contains the eggs of Baerii sturgeon, a protein-rich ingredient that’s said to be good for moisturizing and firming the skin. Also, lovely on a […]


Today, we’re exploring caviar skincare. Plus, two surprising skin-boosting traits we have in common with caviar… For centuries—dating back to when Russia was run by czars—caviar has been a symbol of luxury. This exotic delicacy is a favorite of the well-to-do— from the banquets of aristocrats of yesteryear to the plates of the rich and […]


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